A pumpkin patch party for a little girl - NewlyWoodwards
In less than a month, my little girl will turn two. So I figure it's the perfect time to share the photos from her first birthday - a pumpkin patch party for our sweet little lady. I don't know if there is a respectable time frame for posting photos after a party, but I'm sure it's not 11 months. But there are a few TOTALLY VALID reasons that this is so late. I spilled water on my computer while uploading party photos last October, which ended up meaning I didn't actually get many photos and had to buy a new computer soon after. I was VERY displeased. I had just deleted the photos from my camera, which meant I couldn't recover them. I sometimes wonder if anyone really wants to see photos of actual, real-life kid parties anymore. There are so many perfectly coiffed photos out there. I'm a little lazy. See. Totally valid reasons. Moving on.